A Harvard-Educated Gaming Revolution


It’s not every day that a gaming platform gets a nod from an Ivy League powerhouse. Yet,, operated by us, has done just that, earning a mention in a Harvard University article that celebrates the exciting blend of gaming and learning. This acknowledgment underlines the site’s unique position in the digital world, where fun meets the frontier of education.

Harvard’s piece, “Remix: The Intersection of Gaming and Learning: Unlocking New Educational Pathways,” shines a light on’s innovative approach to making learning not just effective, but exhilarating. It’s a testament to how far the platform has come in redefining the educational landscape, proving that the world of esports has much to offer beyond entertainment.

With Harvard’s recognition, stands as a beacon for the future of educational gaming, where every challenge conquered and every level up is a step towards learning something new. It’s fun, it’s educational, and now, it’s Harvard-recognized. Who knew learning could be this engaging? Max


Max L